Again, I know that food is fuel for our body and that it's important to use quality fuel. But, when you're enjoying pizza and cupcakes without gaining weight, it's hard to care much. I have never "quit sugar" for any period of time and I have certainly never gone nearly two weeks without pizza at any time in the last 4 years. Can I just tell you the one thing that I want you to take away from my Whole30 journey?
Really. I've lived with what I thought was normal for so long. Eating Whole30 and cutting sugar and dairy and grains has changed my attitude. It's cleared up my mind. Let me tell you about me before and after this past week.
Moody. Quick to respond and not think about how I may be overreacting. Now, I'm a girl and I can attribute some of that to hormones. And OBVIOUSLY some of that is a heart condition. Out of the overflow of the heart, the mouth speaks. But, about 3 months ago, I started following Michelle Myers Proverbs 31 Bible Study on Periscope and it turned me back towards having a heart that is seeking Christ. My attitude and my heart situation was improving. I was still feeling moody and was frustrated with myself. Why couldn't I stop being so awful sometimes? My patience was thin and I was unhappy.
Fuzzy-headed. Curtis can attest to the fact that I am very bad about starting sentences and getting distracted from the topic and he's standing there waiting for me to complete my train of thought. Part of that comes from what I nicknamed "talking between the 32s". That's basically a side effect of me teaching classes and talking during a 32 count, pausing to give another cue, and then continuing my sentence. So, I may break it up more than I should sometimes. You can't take the group fitness instructor out of me. But, I have lived my life thinking that waking up and feeling UGH about mornings was "just who I am". Now, I am not what anyone would ever call a morning person, but I have always assumed it was just my life.
A few pounds away from what I would consider my ideal weight, This is a topic that I won't stress over much. I had a number in mind that I have always wished I could return to. My before kids weight. There is a range of healthy weights and I won't tell you what's healthy for you, unless you want to privately reach out to me and we can discuss your specifics and I would be happy to guide you with that. Maybe even help you reach towards that goal. However, feeling better has been my main purpose with the Whole30, and boy, howdy, am I getting there!
So, what have I found?
I feel less out of control with my reactions. I feel like I have chilled out. Something inside my brain and body feels better and I feel like I have had more patience dealing with the kids.
The clear minded-ness that I feel is the most stunning result. I almost did not know what to do with myself, feeling so connected and not struggling to find the words to complete a sentence without trailing off. My brain just feels like its functioning more smoothly. Things are clicking faster.
And, lest you think I am being silly, let me tell you how I got confirmation of this clear head: When I had junk last weekend, I woke up feeling like I use to. Fuzzy headed. Groggy. Hard to wake up. And, just last night, we took the kids to the Gaylord Texas ICE! Exhibit and we grabbed Chik-Fil-A for dinner. Guess how I felt when I woke up this morning after having their breaded nuggets and lots of sweet tea and honey mustard? GROGGY.
When I get off the eating plan for Whole30, I don't feel as good! I'm still pinpointing my issues since I had a good combo of sugar, grains and dairy each of those times I went off compliant eating, but it's obvious that something I am eating is robbing me of feeling better.
And, I had started with some weight loss due to a stomach bug, but I have kept off those 4 lbs and that makes me feel pretty good about sticking with no cupcakes. I will have to figure out how to get my pizza fix soon though! I do love my marinara sauce.
Alright. Later today I will give you my links to recipes I have tried over the past week.