Now, I had a banana before church and by the time we got home from the 10am service, I was starving and I made brunch for Curtis and myself. I went all out since it was my first official Whole30 meal, and again, it was Sunday and there was no rush.
So, I used the Zoodle maker (veggie spiralizer) on a potato and made some fried (in clarified butter) hash browns. Then I made scrambled eggs with a couple handfuls of organic spring mix salad mixed in, omelette style. I threw some sliced avocado on top. Followed that with an apple. BAM. Breakfast.
Since we ate late, I sort of skipped lunch. That ended up being a bad idea. I did have some Wholly Guacamole (awesome and compliant) and carrot sticks as a snack around 2:30. I was starving by dinner time and I ate a Larabar in the car on the way home from Kroger (yes, I go to the store a lot. I have this really adorable habit of always forgetting something even though I always make a list) for a spice run. Curtis offered to grill (and I never turn down that offer!) and he made steaks. I roasted fingerling potatoes and asparagus in olive oil, sprinkled with salt and used some of my Whole30 ketchup to dip the potatoes in. Ya know, to pretend like I was having french fries.

That was my main challenge today. I am craving sugar!!!! I snack a lot on things like cheese and yogurt. Pretzels and Halloween candy. It was hard to not grab the usual quick fix of a Clif bar or yogurt. I really wanted cheese on my eggs today. I had already cut back on dairy and was starting to feel better. I am more interested to see how my stomach feels in the morning after a day of no dairy or grains or SUGAR.
It definitely doesn't help that Blue Bell ice cream returned this week. I did buy some for the kids and Curtis and I had a couple of small servings this week since I did not start the Whole30 before Blue Bell returned to stores. I am beginning to think my real problem is dairy. I will stick with the Whole30 until I am sure of that. I am already thinking about Thanksgiving and trying to not be difficult at family gatherings. That will be 19 days into the Whole30 and I think by then I will have a better idea of what is bothering me. What I am saying is don't expect me to skip Thanksgiving, y'all!
I am really loving making my own sauce and stuff though. It's nice knowing what's in my ketchup and I am making mayo tomorrow. Below is the recipe and stuff you need for the ketchup. I will post the mayo one tomorrow after I make it. I am planning on making tuna salad for lunch. I will be boiling some eggs for the week to get more protein.
Tune in next time for: Jodie Cries Over The Sugar Detox.
Awesome first day. Stay strong!