Sunday, January 3, 2016

Can I Get A Do Over?

Everyone starts fresh every day. It's Biblical! We're new every morning. We certainly find it easy to start new things over at the beginning of the year. I kinda get a double dose since my birthday is in December. I find it easy to reset with a new age AND a new year.

If you're here, you can easily read the few posts from November when I attempted my first Whole30 journey. I did OK, but I was pretty much going it alone, and I had no accountability. In fact, my dear husband taunted me with cookies last time! Once I realized no one knew if I was sneaking a pop tart in my pantry, I sort of lost my motivation. I had started at a lower weight because I had been sick the week before I started the 30 days, so I wasn't aiming for weight loss. I also knew the holidays were coming up and we had Thanksgiving, my older son's birthday, my birthday, Christmas and our anniversary all within a 5 week period. And half of that was going to coincide with the Whole30. I made my excuses and gave up.

I noticed my energy levels dropped and all the wonderful things I experienced when I was eating compliant foods were gone! Food is fuel for the machine that is your body. Why wouldn't we want the best kind of fuel?

Anyway, today I started over. I am doing it with an accountability group. And, as a fitness professional, I should have known accountability was the key to success! Good grief. It feels so much easier this time, knowing other people are doing it and posting recipes and asking questions. I mean, I am NO professional Whole30 gal. I only know what I have researched and experienced in one, partially completed round. This time, I am with a group of people who have done it once, or even a few times before. I feel like I will be a whole lot more successful on this round. Having people to support you and encourage you when you get off track is key!

I had my coffee with almond milk, no sugar. I prefer coconut milk, but I didn't want to open the can this morning, because we were rushing off to church. I ate a Larabar on the way so I wouldn't eat my children on the way home from church due to being hangy.

We had lunch at home and I made myself eggs with spinach and slathered it in guacamole. I took the boys to Sprouts and bought ALL THE PRODUCE. I love that place. I topped off my pantry needs with coconut aminos, coconut milk, nuts, lots of fruits and veggies and meat. We had chicken and broccoli stir fry for dinner. Simple foods that I know the origin of. Stuff my body recognizes as food and not overly processed junk.

I am more prepared mentally after having gone through the pains of breaking the sugar addiction once. I also feel like the hold sugar has had on me is a lot less strong this time. I want to feel the best that I can. I know that eating whole foods will be the only way I can do that.

So, what are YOU doing for 2016 that's different?

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