Saturday, November 14, 2015

Week 1 Round Up: Confession Included

I have spent the past few days cooking like crazy! Days 5, 6, &7 were interesting and I have a confession. Here's the quick break down:

Thursday, I had lunch with my mom at Twisted Root Burger. This was the first time I probably went a bit off the rails. I had a burger salad. Literally a beef patty on spring mix with tomato. I had mustard and I had fries. The fries are cooked in vegetable oil, from what I could find on their website. That's technically a no-no. Vegetable oil is almost always soy based. Unless you look around. I did find some without soy at Aldi. I also had some pickles and the flavorings were unknown, I can only assume there was likely sugar in it. And, I had a tiny bit of their spicy ketchup, that while made in house, likely had sugar in it too. It was the first time I ate away from home and it was a little sad because I realized how much we spend our socializing around the table eating. And the good feelings we get from eating those happy foods that trigger our brains with serotonin, well, they're not there when you're resetting the way you eat and retraining your brain and body to see food as fuel for your machine.

Friday was a bit better,and I ate according to plan. But I ended up crashing and burning and having a slice of pecan pie and some ice cream. I know. I know. I didn't fall off the wagon. I jumped with both feet and I felt tired and fuzzy headed because of it. I realized that the sugar addiction I had really was making me feel worse. I just had accepted that as my "normal". I made some delicious compliant potato soup that even my kids ate, but I made biscuits for the guys along with it and I had two myself. Spoiler: IT WAS NOT WORTH IT.

Saturday, once I woke up feeling less than stellar, I went back on plan and did well. I ended up having a few bites of ice cream since I knew it would be back to business on Sunday. I should have just stuck to eating right instead of "one last hurrah". UGH.

 I am finding that I am eating Larabars a lot, but it's likely because I rely on Clif protein bars a lot prior to Whole30 to get me between meals or to have for breakfast. It's been giving me the sugar fix I need when I wait too long to eat and I would normally grab whatever is around to keep the blood sugar levels decent.

I was also working out a ton before I started the Whole30. I have slowly been cutting back on my classes over the past few months due to school starting and the family garage door repair business getting busier and needing me to be available to answer phones and do more office work. So, this clean eating challenge has definitely kept me from gaining any extra weight that I would have put on with cutting my physical activity and keeping on eating the crappy way I was. I am really enjoying cooking and trying new recipes and I have been cooking all of the normal things we eat around here, but without sugar, dairy, and grains. The kids don't miss their favorite meals and Curtis and I are feeling improved because of it.

Note: my kids are NOT doing the Whole30. They're cutting back on their sugar and junk intake, but I have not cut them off of dairy or grains. They're still drinking their usual fifth of whiskey in the evenings. So don't worry, I am not cutting them off from things their little bodies need to grow. And, I am OBVIOUSLY joking about the whiskey.

I will save you the pics of all of my meals this post and I will share with you some of the recipes I used over the weekend in the next post.

Happy Whole30-ing!


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